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For the month of June, Project Social T will be donating 5% of every purchase to The Marsha P. Johnson Institute that protects and defends the human rights of Black transgender people. MPJI advocates for quality education, employment opportunities and a world free of war, police brutality and political corruption.

Spouse’s Guide to Social Security Survivor Benefits

You hear about the horrifying, multi-year process involved when applying for SSDI benefits. My husband and I, together, had a significant income, owned a home in a country club, guard-gated community in Southern California, and were extensive travelers, etc.

Then, the season changed — unexpectedly. InI started to show medical symptoms from an old auto accident that had caused a brain injury. I had difficulty walking, memory loss, etc.

My neurosurgeon explained what was occurring, and that major brain surgery was required for me to continue living. My husband became my full-time caregiver, and our financial safety net was all compromised due to my health.

With that said, it was time to apply for SSDI. Friends recommended that I hire an attorney, but I went directly to www. I was able to, independently, apply online with the easy step-by-step instructions.

When my mind needed to rest, I was able to save my information and, the next day, continue from where I left off.

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I did everything online — not once having to step foot in a field office to complete my application; and I received my disability benefits in four months!

What a decision to make! The risk of disability is larger than we think: A year-old worker has a 1-in-4 chance of needing disability benefits before reaching full retirement age!

So, after slouchy tee project social security login site years in the workforce and contributing to the Federal Insurance Compensation Act FICAI sure am glad my disability insurance was there for me in my time of need.

Well to whomever said that whoever is complaining is just trying to buck the system. Well that is so not true.

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I live in Mississippi I have worked my entire life sometimes two jobs. Then when I slouchy tee project social security login site on down time because I worked turnarounds in the plants.

So in my down time I watched my best friends mother who was 90 years old because they had her in a home for elderly she wanted to be home so I said I will sit with her.

I thought I was going to die.

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I had to go to hospital xrays and all. I blew two disks out I have a bulging disk in back and my fusion that I had in my neck the disk underneath is deteriorating.

I have degenerative disk disease, spondolyosislumbar nerve root disorder, arthritis in lumbar spine, narrowing of spinal canal, severe bilateral facet anthropy, forminal stenosis, I have diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure 3 pills a day, ADHD, Anxiety disorder, panic attacks, I broke my ankle and hand by going into my house my back the pain shot down back then both legs to the heal of my foot I have plates and screws in both.

I had both eyes operated on cataracts at 55 years old. Then laser surgery after. My spine specialist wrote a letter stating I am totally disabled.

I need surgery on my back they want to put a cage in there. I wear a back brace I hurt constantly my neck shoots pains to fingertips they go numb. I know there are people that are fake and do use the system.

All the systems. But I am the real deal and I got denied twice already. I have mri xrays doctors notes. People with no education they just give it to them I know I see it.

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But since I have a college degree they think that I can be trained to do another job. This is so unbelievable I worked all my life put myself through school with two kids single mother.

I get hurt and they say go find a different job!

5 Ways to Avoid Taxes on Social Security Benefits

Wow I feel like I am being discriminated on. Pain constantly what is really going on with this social security disability? I had 5x the work credits to apply.

I checked the social security disabilities book that shows you the disabilities people have and they get it!! I have an attorney but they say Mississippi is the hardest state to get disability.

I know for sure if I lived in Louisiana I would get it. This is discrimination on an educated person that is disabled. Worked all my life was born with a disability.

They offered me disability and I declined wanted to work saved them 38 years of paying me disability and when I finally applied in have had 3 hearings my doctor wrote and letter that I was totally disable and they said I can do the same work I was doing before I retired.

I had the same slouchy tee project social security login site for 2 of my hearing. My lawyer that I had at first dropped me. Great for you but so many people wait years on end.

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My husband has waited and still waiting for over 10 years now with no income. The system is horrible. We provide the best Casino app development services because we have a professional development team visit our page.

Good artical! I also never expected having to go on disability.

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I was in between jobs, moving to another state and a new job. I finished loading my car, I was in hurting but I just brushed it of.

I drove 2 hours to my appartment, Slouchy tee project social security login site unloaded a box, now my pain was of the scale, so i laid down on the floor thinking I would feel better in the morning, well a night turned into 7 days.

I could not movecalled I had shattered a vertebrae. They operated and was in a hard plastic vest fo 6 months. I attempted to work in a parts room, after 1 month of being in pain I was let go, which I understood, I could no perform my job.

I also applied for sad, I found that the process was relatively straight forward. The part that I was struggling with was I was running out of money, the whole process took about 4 moths, which in this period I looked for help, I went and called churches, friends, charities, etc.

I had a charity that bright me food they filled my fridge, also I had a better and help group played 3 months rent.

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I had used up my k moneyhaving to split it and pay taxes and penalties. My complaint was the time I had to wait for MY ss, this was a very depressing and demeaning time, I had read stories about people that went from living a good life to on the street, it never crossed my mind it would happen to me!

So the process was easy to apply, my complaint is the time a had to wait for MY money, I had payed into SS! I saw people living better than me and never had a job in their life, never payed a cent into ss, taxes, or medical but they had it all!!!!

This was an eye opening experience I went through for over a year! There has to be a way to make this quicker, and less mentally agonizing!

And also to root out these people who live off the system, never working a day and receiving all the benefits, money, and food that the hard working people are paying for!

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Thank you for your inspiration. I was afraid of tackling this disability but now I am confident after reading your story. Good tips. Your email address will not be published.

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